Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sun and Shadow

I realize that not everything I write here will be strictly about the differences between my old home and my new as I want to just talk about my life in general as well.  Today its so beautiful out.  A study of contrasts; parts of the sky slate gray and heavy with rain clouds while other parts are brilliant blue filled with white fluffy clouds and stunning sunlight streaming down.  The land is lush and green studded with lovely red/brown brick as far as the eye can see and gentle rolling hills.  Wind blows through the house; cool, soothing.  I am filled to brimming with joy right now.  I love my husband so much sometimes it just takes my breath away.  I want to climb inside him to just blend with him to become one entity of ecstatic life essence.  So weird to say but true, so true.  Guess I am more than a little weird.  LOL!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Two countries divided by a common language.

pants= underwear
marking papers= grading papers
armored hand egg= american football
ta= thanks
cheers=goodbye or thank you
innocently saying to the engineer on the phone that you are transferring to a coworker that Naz will "give you one" as in give you a job to go to = everyone around me laughing hysterically:)
bum bombs=farts
bottom ballistics= more farting
get a leg over= having sex with
just a few things that are quite different than in the states and just make me laugh or shake my head:)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pine is not just a tree

Today is a very strange day for me.  Though I have a lot going on that is positive; got a new job with great folks and have the best husband evah; I find myself feeling a bit melancholy.  The worst part is I have no idea why.  I do think a little of it is missing things.  Strangely I do find myself pining a bit for someone who sounds like me.  What is so strange is that I have always loved the English accents and I still do but not hearing an American accent in person for a while can be a bit of a strain.  I must admit that when I was wanting to get over here so badly I thought people were pretty wimpy for being homesick but I can understand it a bit now.  I don't really miss American per se, I miss certain things like how it looked in my countryside, my friends who can relate and had the same experiences as me etc.  Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the adventure, but I am fairly certain that even Indiana Jones liked to chill out at home occasionally with the things he cherished and people he loved and knew.  Change is good, but humans are creatures of habit and I have learned that I am more human than I thought.  Nothing world shattering just a little heart achey and meh for a bit.  Its completely overwhelmed when I see things like I did this past Monday, 2 May at the greenman festival in clun.  There was more breathtaking vistas than I could have imagined and my face hurt from smiling in just pure joy.  Life is good but it has all kinds of moments.  It doesn't hurt to acknowledge them.